What's been going on with me?

Well, that's been a question which I'm trying to answer with this post :-)
As I look at what I've been doing over the past 12 months, the kind of activities when listed will look confusing to many.. so let me not go forward listing it.  A different approach to seek an answer will be to look for common pattern / things among those activities ... well that was easy - the word 'Internet' is common.. Yes, Over the past 12 months my access to internet has increased manifold in comparison to the previous 12 months. Wait a minute, I should not miss adding another word as prefix to the common thing here...'Mobile' ... so come to think of it, it's actually 'Mobile Internet access' that has been the most common thing in the activities which I undertook the last 12 months..
Still not convinced ?
Look at https://www.facebook.com/anish.aravind to see what I mean...

This combination of internet and mobility has brought about a new definition of 'Time' for me ... Well I'm sure it may have some unwanted consequences too - but thanks to my family (especially my 23 month old), I don't get carried away to the extreme either.

Volunteer activities connected me to www.ncon2012.com and this kind of helped me 'refresh' my interest in Twitter.... Result - your's truly was listed in the 200 most active HR pros on twitter :-) - that was indeed a surprise... for someone with less than 1500 tweets I thought. Made me realise that 'impossible' is just a state of mind hehehe

Here's my latest find- Treasure cove indeed rt?

Have a great day :-)


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