Challenges of The New Age HR Professional

A fellow member of NIPM Kerala Chapter ( texted me to seek my views on how the profile of a new age HR professional would look like. That set me thinking and also got some material for this blog :-)

So here's my take about the context for this whole piece:

1. Role of Data in driving / supporting people decisions have been taking centre stage in the new millennium  - this has given a new meaning to Analytical skills.

2. Understanding of neo Media – As Communication skills is an important need for any HR person, understanding of the current tools / ways by which employees seek and consume information is a prerequisite. Hence making solutions using Social media,  Real time IM tools like Whatsapp/Snapchat

3. Employee Engagement – With GenY employees being major focus for engagement activities, there is a need to revisit the age old practices (annual picnic / events being an example) and come up with tailor made, frequent and more connected activities which end up being a double Whammy of sorts. HR positions responsible for this function therefore requires updated information on adult behaviour with respect to use of Technology, interpersonal interactions, psychology, User experience (UX).

4. Employee Relations – with special reference  to India where the boundaries which existed across industry segments are set to disappear very soon, knowledge of updated legislations and their impact to people programs and policies in real time (no time to reach out to consultants / lawyers) is paramount.

5. Business Connect - Best way to deliver value and seen to be delivering value is to talk (and walk) the language of business as that helps an HR  professional connect to the people to whom he / she is providing value.

Here are some links to some Job descriptions which companies have drafted - keeping the above context in mind.



Would love to hear what the larger HR fraternity in India feels about the above.


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